Arcane Lore Wiki

The Leopardman Shaman is the most magically adept of all of the Leopardmen, and so leads them in such events as their Shapechange Ritual. He also serves as an advisor to the Leopardman Chieftain.

When the wizard the Hero came to the Leopardman Village with Johari to ask for the Drum of Magic, it was decided that he could take the Drum if he could best the Shaman in a magical duel. Though the Shaman tried many of his best spells, the Hero countered each of them. Then, the Shaman allowed his body to be overcome with demonic possession. The Hero countered this with a dispel potion -- freeing the Shaman from the evil influences that were controlling him and earning himself the Drum of Magic.

Real World[]

The Leopardman Shaman is a character in Quest for Glory III: Wages of War.

It should be noted that it is possible to kill the shaman while he is possessed, rather than using the dispel potion, although this awards fewer points.
