Arcane Lore Wiki

Warmaster Garves in Duels

The trainer of the Duelists of Phyrra, Warmaster Garves separates the weaklings from those who will actually survive at least a few of their duels.

Memorable Quotes[]

  • "I heard once that you don't count on your enemy not attacking, you count on being ready when he does." (From Battle Preparations Warstorm card)
  • "Who cares if it smells like an orc? It'll keep you alive." (From Red Tide Shield Warstorm card)
  • "It takes a strong man to pull this bow, but it almost aims itself." (From Silvintri Longbow Warstorm card)

Real World[]

The character Warmaster Garves is the character who gives the tutorial to new players of both Duels and Warstorm .
